An old saying goes: “Always look at a man’s shoes, they will tell you a lot about him”. The tenth and last article for Natural Gentleman is about the fascinating industry of the shoes. Just like for every other garment of a gentleman’s closet, also for the shoes a lot could be said and a […]
The tie, fundamental accessory of the classical men’s wardrobe

It comes to light as a neck warmer and becomes a usual accessory as of the XVII century. Style guides report its evolution also in the cut: initially it was cut straight and was lined with fabric, so it was deteriorating soon and the knot was not easy to keep. Apparently, the New Yorker Jesse […]
Neapolitan Tailoring

First of all, the Neapolitan tailoring school comes to light in a city that was the capital of male elegance and pioneer of a lifestyle that later will be copied in Paris and Rome. At those times, Naples was the city where the taste of English gentlemen was meeting the preserved artisanal skills of its […]
The vestigial organs

The word “elegance” comes from the Latin “eligere”, to select. Not by chance the true gentleman is often a connoisseur, meaning “someone able to choose”. Integral to choose is to know. Knowing what you are wearing and when to wear it can help the aspiring gentleman not only to succeed (or to fail, depending on […]
The unwritten code of elegance

Every man who wants to pride himself in being a gentleman must know what I would call “the basic rules of elegance”. They are unwritten, ancient rules, taught in family, through books or by simply spending time with other elegant gentlemen. These, with some opportune changes, can be applied also nowadays. First of all, we […]
How to tie a tie

The purpose of the tie, in fact, is to cover the shirt buttons and the space between them. It may happen that a rotation of the trunk enlarges the edges of the shirt placed between a button and the other, revealing tank tops, hairy bellies and breasts whatsoever.Imagine a very important meeting dates in a […]
The length of the pants

First of all, your body type: if you are rather thin and slim, you can wear a shorter and more tight on the ankles pair of trousers. They can even reach the height of the malleolus, leaving a few inches of socks in plain sight. Needless to say that this is a bold solution which […]
“Elegance is not to be noticed, but to be remembered”

Our ancestors, in fact, during the hunt were standing for long hours to wait that little sign that signaled the presence of prey or, even worse, a predator. A tuft of grass that moves too quickly, a shadow passes stealth in the distance: all small signs that our predecessors have learned quickly to notice and […]
Ironing a tie without an iron: how to remove wrinkles from your tie

How to iron a tie without an iron: a very effective trick to stretch the fibers of the tie without damaging the fibers of silk and keep it in top shape.
Pairing guidelines: how to match men’s socks with pants and shoes

For those of you who wants to use the sock as an additional distinctive detail, there are a few tips that we would like to give you.