Categories: LIFESTYLE

“Elegance is not to be noticed, but to be remembered”

Our ancestors, in fact, during the hunt were standing for long hours to wait that little sign that signaled the presence of prey or, even worse, a predator. A tuft of grass that moves too quickly, a shadow passes stealth in the distance: all small signs that our predecessors have learned quickly to notice and store. The case that exactly fulfills this purpose: it is a small detail that should not be the center of attention (nothing too flashy colors then) but at the same time be a separate element from the collection: the color of the pocket square should be completely different from that of shirt and tie. If you are unsure of what color pocket square must wear always prefer white: can not go wrong because it is suitable for any jacket for any occasion. Mind you just fold it carefully! At work, always use the pocket square cotton, linen reserved to leisure and the silk for the ceremonies.7

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